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Friday, February 21, 2025 8:00PM - Sunday, March 16, 2025 2:00PM
The Glass Menagerie

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Friday, February 28, 2025 8:00PM


Hubbard Theatre


Williams’ American classic follows a family caught by dreams and delusion. Amanda, a faded Southern belle, yearns for a better life for her children. Her daughter Laura, however, would rather spend time alone with her collection of delicate glass animals, while her restless son, Tom, longs to escape the monotony of his current life. This memory play asks us to explore the delicate nature of human connections.

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Easy-to-wear headsets provide clear, amplified live Spanish translations in the Theatres, ensuring a seamless experience from any seat in the house. This service can be accessed from any seat location upon checking out a headset device. Learn More.

El clásico de Tennessee Williams nos lleva al corazón de una familia atrapada entre sueños y delirios. Amanda, una dama sureña cuyo esplendor ha quedado atrás, anhela una vida mejor para sus hijos. Su hija Laura, sin embargo, prefiere refugiarse en su colección de delicados animales de cristal, mientras su inquieto hermano Tom lucha por escapar de la monotonía de su existencia. Esta obra de recuerdos nos invita a explorar la fragilidad de las conexiones humanas y el impacto de las ilusiones sobre nuestra realidad.

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